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4:00 Ballindenisk (IRE) 5 May 2024

O Flynn Group, Ballincollig Winners

3m Good
Pos. (Draw)
Horse / SP
Trainer / Jockey
5 122 93
b g Diamond Boy (FR) - No Plain Jane (IRE) (King's Theatre)
Ran 4th until 8l 3rd 6out, rdn brfly aftr 5out, clsr 3rd 3out, ld well aftr 3out, 2l adv & rdn 2out, went clr bef last
2  dist
9 1111 63
b g Martaline - Miss Saona (FR) (Kahyasi)
Last, lost tch by 3rd, clsr from 5th, 2nd bef 2out, 2l 2nd & rdn 2out, no ex in 6l 2nd bef last where slw, wknd
3  [34½]
8 1111 58
b g Saddler Maker (IRE) - Valse De Touzaine (FR) (Dom Alco)
Ld, jnd 6th, 2l adv 4out, jnd bef 3out, hdd well aftr 3out, drpd to 3rd bef 2out, wknd in mod 3rd aftr 2out, ko
7 1111
b g Mahler - Look Who's Back (IRE) (Bob Back)
Tr ldr, disp from 6th, mstk 5out & 2l 2nd 4out, disp agn when mstk 3out, wknd in 4th well aftr 3out, pu 2out
6 1111
ch g Soldier Of Fortune (IRE) - Tornic Arc (IRE) (Arcadio)
Chsd ldrs in 3rd, fair 4th 6out, mod 4th 4out & sltly clsr 3out, wknd in 4th well aftr 3out & cto when pu 2out
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