Quotes of the week

'The smaller jumps trainers in Ireland are in serious trouble due to a limited market. It’s not all about two trainers'

Ado McGuinness: crowned all-weather champion trainer for the first time
Ado McGuinness: spoke about the domination of big yards in Ireland earlier this weekCredit: Patrick McCann (

The best quotes from the racing world this week . . .

Obviously I’m gutted, but at the same time I’m lucky that I can walk away. I wanted to continue riding but I couldn’t, that’s the long and the short of it
Grade 1-winning jockey Jamie Moore reveals the reasons why he has been forced to retire from the saddle

'I wanted to continue but I couldn’t, that’s the long and the short of it' - Jamie Moore brings distinguished career to a close 

That says it all about his personality. He might be my son but he’s a lovely, lovely kid and he’s got a lot of determination. All he wanted to do is ride winners 
Gary Moore pays tribute to his son after his retirement

Gary Moore: 'Jamie's come out in one piece, which is more important than riding a thousand winners' 

When it doesn't like their decision, it chooses to act arbitrarily and prosecute Curtis quite aggressively. That is terrible regulation. It's a thoroughly depressing saga that cannot happen again
PJA chief Paul Struthers slams the BHA after the case of apprentice jockey Curtis Wilson-Ruddock

'Thoroughly depressing' - jockeys' boss Paul Struthers slams BHA after jockey suffering from ADHD is cleared over sample lapse 

She continued her massive interest in racing right up to the very last day. Would you believe, she had €20 win on Charlie in the bumper yesterday – that was her last bet
Tony Mullins reveals the great determination of Maureen Mullins after her death at the age of 94

'A wonderful woman who lived a wonderful life' - Irish racing's great matriarch Maureen Mullins dies aged 94 

The smaller jumps trainers in Ireland are in serious trouble because you have a limited market. It’s not all about two trainers. Willie and Gordon were small at one stage and they had to build, but it’s important the smaller trainer is looked after
Ado McGuinness reveals his concerns about the landscape of Irish trainers and big yards dominating

Ado McGuinness: 'It’s not all about Willie Mullins and Gordon Elliott - smaller trainers in Ireland are in serious trouble' 

I couldn't understand the price as we thought this was a penalty kick. He was entered at Wolverhampton, but this extra meeting came on and it was perfect for him
Shaun Harris believes Al Suil Eile's win at Southwell was no shock, despite the odds saying otherwise

'I couldn't understand the price' - handicapper wins for second time in 17 days for four-horse trainer 

There's absolutely no doubt that, if it hadn't been for him, I'd be cleaning cars or in prison or doing something completely different. Without him, I would have just packed up
John Francome reveals the horse who surprisingly made his career, and one readers may not have expected it to be

John Francome: 'If it hadn't been for him, I'd be cleaning cars or in prison or doing something completely different' 

Read more . . .

'He's had an absolute brain fade' - high-profile jockey publicly slammed by trainer after odds-on favourite loses to 150-1 shot 

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