Pos. (Draw) |
Horse / SP
Trainer / Jockey
Age | WGT | OR | TS | RPR | MR | ||
4 | 1111 | – | – | 85 | – |
gr f
Saddler Maker (IRE) |
Ran 3rd, 4l 2nd brfly aftr 6out, disp well aftr 4out, wo bef 2out, went 8l clr bef last, v easily | ||||||||||
4 | 1111 | – | – | 70 | – |
b f
Cloudings (IRE) |
Tr ldr in 2nd, 5l 2nd from 7th, disp well aftr 4out, drpd to 3rd 3out, went 2nd early flat, no ch with v easy wnr | ||||||||||
4 | 116 | – | – | 67 | – |
br f
Westerner |
Ld, frequently jmpd right, 5l adv from 7th, jnd well aftr 4out, hdd bef 2out, 8l 2nd bef last & no impr bef last | ||||||||||
- 3 ran Off time: 2:00:00 Winning time: 6m 27.00s Total SP: 1%
1st owner:
Denis Paul Murphy (Happy d'Ex)
2nd owner:
Nicholas Teehan (Harry's Hottie)
3rd owner:
Monbeg Partnership (Prime Time Lady)