Churchill Downs (USA)
16 Jun 2019
Wise Dan Stakes (Grade 2) (3yo+) (Turf)
(1m110yds) 1m½f Firm
£112,283.46 2nd
£36,220.47 3rd
£18,110.24 4th
£9,055.12 5th
£5,433.07 6th
£1,968.50 7th
£1,968.50 8th
£1,968.50 9th
£1,968.50 10th
£1,968.50 11th
£1,968.50 12th
£1,968.50 13th
- 13 ran Winning time: 1m 40.58s Total SP: 123%
- Non-runners: Inspector Lynley, Noble Commander
1st owner:
Live Oak Plantation (March To The Arch)
2nd owner:
4 G Racing LLC & William K Helwig (All Right)
3rd owner:
Amerman Racing Stables LLC (Admission Office)