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Nick Gifford

Findon, W Sussex
RTF 14%Horses running toform in last 14 days
GB jumps last 5 seasons Apr 2020 - Apr 2025 down
wr%pwinners / horsestotal earnings£1 Stakebest in categoryrpr
Hurdle102045329/48£128,232-108.25Didtheyleaveuoutto right 133
Chase28152182911/19£269,729+35.28The Mighty Don right 149
NHF5786135/41£27,552-38.67Didtheyleaveuoutto right 121
E.W. Terms
Paddy Power
William Hill

Last 14 days

Wins: 1Runs: 7(14%)
Since win jumps: 3 runs 8 days
dateCrs.Crs / Class / Typepos.Finishing dist / Horsespjockeyrprdiff
Fon right  2m5½fGd C5HcH 3K6/12btn 10½L, Eliza Dolittle  right 10/1Tabitha Worsley right 3
Fon right  2m3fGd C4MdH 4K7/10btn 38L, Ledders t right 33/1James Davies right
Plu right  2m4½fGd C4NvH 4K3/5btn 47L, Drumheller  right 33/1Tabitha Worsley right 376-9
War right  3m5fGd C3HcCh 10K1/7by 1¾L, Northern Poet  right 9/2James Davies right 1285
Fon right  2m2fSft C4HcCh 5K6/6btn 59L, Koenigsstern p right 9/2James Davies right 74-39
Fon right  2m3fGS C5HcH 3K7/10btn 28L, Low Expectations h right 12/1James Davies right 68-21
Fon right  2m1½fGS C4MdH 4K9/10btn 69L, Flimsy Nosebag  right 125/1James Davies right 46
DIFF is the difference between the RPR the horse recorded and their expected RPR