
Mindless vandalism: Thirsk counting the cost after two nights to forget

Vandals smashed windows with rocks in track's new owners' and trainers' facility

Thirsk vandalism
A smashed door in Thirsk's new owners' and trainers' building, which is under construction

Thirsk is counting the cost of two nights of mindless vandalism this week, which runs into thousands of pounds of damage.

After a toilet block was trashed on Tuesday, with basins and mirrors smashed, the vandals returned 24 hours later to the toilets but also to wreak havoc on the new owners' and trainers' building, which is under construction.

They smashed panoramic windows and damaged the aluminium framework of the building, apparently by throwing rocks up at the first floor level.

Thirsk vandalism
The scene at Thirsk this week after two nights of vandalism at the track

Thirsk's manager James Sanderson said on Friday morning: "It was mindless vandalism and we ask for anybody who can give us information leading to finding the culprits to contact us.

"The panes of glass were all broken on the first floor, suggesting they had thrown rocks from the ground."

Thirsk vandalism
A pile of glass on the first floor of the building. Vandals reportedly threw rocks from below

The police have one lead as a spray can used to daub walls with graffiti was found after the break-in.

Sanderson added: "We might get some fingerprints from the can and we're stepping up security patrols – we don't have CCTV footage and the racecourse is an open site surrounded by farmers' fields and a sports centre.

"It was a random attack and is annoying as the building hasn't got alarms fitted yet as it's a building site.

"We've gone through waves of problems historically but the last episode was a more professional burglary two years ago in the weighing room, rather than trouble with, presumably, some teenagers."

Despite the damage to the construction site, the new facility is still on course to be completed towards the end of July, with an official opening on September 12.

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