Cheltenham Festival

Frost covers may be needed before Wednesday as tough weather looms at Cheltenham

Frost covers may need to be deployed before the Cheltenham Festival's second day, with clerk of the course Jon Pullin gearing up for a potentially fraught week of weather but not expecting that an inspection will be required.

Strong winds are due to hit Cheltenham on Monday but a potentially bigger headache for Pullin is the marked drop in temperatures that some forecasts are predicting following the end of racing on Tuesday.

Ground conditions on the Old course – used on Tuesday and Wednesday – were reported on Sunday as soft, good to soft in places, a description supported by Nicky Henderson after he walked the track late morning. Between 4mm and 5mm of rain could fall on Monday, alongside gusts of 40 to 50 miles per hour, while light sleet or rain showers are on the cards on Tuesday.

It is, however, following the culmination of the opening afternoon's action that parts of the racecourse may need to be protected from frost.

Pullin said: "We're looking at a frost overnight on Tuesday into Wednesday and potentially temperatures of -2C or -3C. That is far from ideal, not least because we will have raced on the Old course on Tuesday and opened up the ground. That makes it a little more susceptible, but given we were mild yesterday and today, there is a bit of warmth in the soil. It's also only a one-night frost and we should get positive temperatures on Wednesday from 8am or 9am. Some forecasts also suggest we'll only be down to 0C but others do show -2C to -3C.

Clerk of the course Jon Pullin walks the course , 5 days before the start of the 2023 Cheltenham Festival Cheltenham 9.3.23 Pic: Edward Whitaker
Cheltenham clerk of the course Jon Pullin says frost covers may need to be deployed after racing on TuesdayCredit: Edward Whitaker

"We'll keep a watching brief and it may be that we cover vulnerable areas, such as take offs, landings and crossing points. At this stage, I don't think we'll need to call an inspection, but we'll monitor the forecasts and then make a plan for what we do or don't do on Tuesday night from a covers point of view."

Rain is set to be the chief frustration on Thursday, with racegoers expected to experience wet weather throughout the day, ensuring testing conditions for Friday's Boodles Cheltenham Gold Cup. That said, Pullin does not anticipate conditions becoming as wet as on the Wednesday last year, when heavy ground decimated field sizes.

"If we get the majority of everything that's in the forecast, I think we'll probably have soft ground every day," said Pullin.

"Wednesday should be reasonably dry through the day but another band of rain is due to come in late on Wednesday and then last all the way through Thursday. That looks as though it could be relatively significant, bringing 5mm to 10mm. 

"At the moment we're not looking like having a day similar to the Wednesday last year and we do have two to three yards of saved ground for Friday, which looks likely to be reasonably dry, with just the odd occasional shower. The ground on the New course also walks better than the Old course."

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